Playing cards, game cards, trading cards and business cards often need to be organised, sorted and collated to be supplied in the correct sequence or pack arrangement. Rollem’s range of automatic collators can arrange even the most complex re-ordering and stacking to specific requirements. The most demanding of customers will be delighted with the wide range of options offered by Rollem collators.
Playing cards, game cards, trading cards and business cards often need to be organised, sorted and collated to be supplied in the correct sequence or pack arrangement. Rollem’s range of automatic collators can arrange even the most complex re-ordering and stacking to specific requirements. The most demanding of customers will be delighted with the wide range of options offered by Rollem collators.
Playing cards, game cards, trading cards and business cards often need to be organised, sorted and collated to be supplied in the correct sequence or pack arrangement. Rollem’s range of automatic collators can arrange even the most complex re-ordering and stacking to specific requirements. The most demanding of customers will be delighted with the wide range of options offered by Rollem collators.
For lower volume applications, short run business, or where floor space is at a premium, the Rollem AutoCollator offers a flexible and efficient means of arranging cards into decks. Cards can be efficiently collected, collated and presented to the downstream processes, whether punching, wrapping or packing.
To discuss your print finishing requirements please contact Andy Longston on +44 (0) 1226 745476 or [email protected]